I’m Too Glam To Give A Damn..

I want too start this blog off with one of my favorite quotes..

“Of course I loved him.” She says, “You don’t give people you don’t love the power to destroy you.” -SZ

I find it so funny, ever since I was a little girl I always kept a diary. And every diary entry had the same topic… Love.♥ Very ironic actually because I haven’t had much luck with it in my life..

Love has become such a weird “touchy” topic these days. I’m not sure why this generation has such a problem with accepting and giving love. I’m seriously fearful at this point to even give a guy my attention anymore because it seems that every single time I do.. they just crush me.

I think its mostly because when I love, I love hard. But why is that such a bad thing? Should you or should you not put one thousand percent of your heart into something you truly care about?

But one thing I can say is.. No matter how many people break my heart, I will never stop loving myself and change as a person because of it.