
I want to stare at the moon with you for hours,

I want to kiss you as the sun rises every day,

I want to wake up and smell the flowers,

With you next to me as I lay,

I want to grow old with you and tell our stories to those who will listen,

I want to stare into those eyes and say “i do” while they glisten,

I want to hug you long and hard every time I need a reminder,

That you are here for me in this cold world that I’ve gone blind to,

I want to be next to you as I take my last breath, 

Because you are my world, my everything that I have left,

I want you to know I’ve never known love before,

Then I met you and now nothing I knew makes sense anymore ❤️

You Taught Me

You taught me to walk,

You taught me to read,

You taught me how to love 
and how to lead..

You taught me to slow down and take a breath, 

You taught me that nothing will separate us.. even death. 

You taught me how to stand up when life knocks you down, 

You taught me that “my smile is too pretty to frown”

You taught me wrong from right, 

You taught me never raise your hands first in a fight, 

You taught me that life isn’t always going to be fair,

You taught me it’s okay to show people you care,

You taught me everything dad, except how to live without you..

Wood floors

Today I sat in the exact spot where my father died. And to some this may sound strange.. I’ve never felt so at peace. 
The same spot where he pulled that trigger and ended his life, Is where he gave me a new start to mine. 

I touch the blood stained spots on the wood floor and I feel him. That’s my dad. 

I hear him saying to me, “I shed that so you can shine my little girl. Make me proud”

And I will dad. I will shine for you everyday that you make the sun shine on me. 

Even on the rainiest days I will turn those rain drops into rays of light and continue to fight. For you

Heart Break Blvd

Here I am again on this dead end road 

But this time it’s different, I can feel my heart beat being slowed. 

It hurts to breath.. I can’t seem to catch my own breath..

It feels like something is taking over me, I feel close to death. 

This road is familiar to me, I’ve walked it before 

But this time I feel my happiness is not something I can restore. 

You gave me purpose. You made my days bright 

Now all I can see every minute is darkness and midnight. 

I don’t know if I’ll ever forget you but please remember this 

Remember the feeling you felt when we shared our first kiss. 

That moment electrified my soul and made me feel something I can’t put into words

Now I can’t even see clearly. Everything is blurred. 

If you are looking for me I’ll be here on Heart Break Blvd searching for any sign of you 

I hope one day you’ll come looking and ask to start over new. 

Floor Cockroach 

I guess it’s just me and you little guy 
laying here with our heads cut off but we’re still walking around 

wondering why? 

My brain is gone. 

it’s some where over there 

but my feet are still walking and moving

they don’t seem to care.

Bumping into walls, going in circles 

man.. What word rhymes with circles? 

I can’t think like that anymore.

I’m just a floor cockroach. 

stepped on and forgotten..

does anybody care about us anymore? 

or did your hearts all go rotten? 

I think I’ll end my metaphor with one final food for thought phrase..

we are all headless floor cockroaches just trying to get out of this maze. 

Soggy Eggs.

The air outside is bitter and cold. But it still doesn’t compare to the ice I feel in my heart.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

I sit waiting by the door for you to come home from work, only to realize you will never open that front door again.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

I often close my eyes and hear that booming voice of yours saying “How come I love you so much?” But I open them and you are no where to be found.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

The key is still sitting in the draw to your car that says #1 Dad, but everyone else but you will start it up again.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

Your closet is still full of your clothes that still smell like you. I hug them sometimes and pretend its all okay.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

I wish you were still here Dad because I never got to tell you this.. You really suck at making eggs. But I would eat those eggs every minute of every day if I could just see you one more time.

I miss you. and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

-Your sweet girl.


2015 is winding down.. For some that is a relieving feeling.  Because maybe this year didn’t bring what you exactly expected and you are hoping for greater things to come this upcoming year. For others it may bring feelings of bitterness and saddness because of how quickly time is moving and you wish it would never end.

For me this time of year always brings me to reflect on the memories I have made and reminisce. And I also like to think about where I started the year and how I’m now ending it.

I like to think of evey year that passes as a chapter in my life. This being my 20th and favorite chapter so far I figured I would dedicate a blog post to my favorite memories.


I started off this year in the best way possible. Surrounded by loved ones, cannolis and alcohol. (A&N wedding) 


My best friend and cousin came home from the military to see me and we bought these amazing matching shirts.  


My mother and I hit up Broadway to see Fish in the Dark! And enjoyed some of favorite treats on the way home.. 


I also escaped the snow to Puerto Rico with some great people and made some great memories. 

 I started on my road to weight loss.                  183 pounds- now 150 pounds. 


Also got in some play time with the bunny himself with my favorite Big Ang. 



I got the chance to spend Easter with my beautiful family and spend some much needed quality time together. 


The weather finally warmed up a bit and I enjoyed every second of it with my feet in the sand. 



I found my love for fondue in every way with my work wife. 


The first beach day of the year on Strong Island with my fav peeps. 



I closed my chapter at the Red Door Spa. 💋


And partied on a rooftop for my brothers birthday. 



I hosted & cooked a birthday dinner for my favorite man in the universe. 


And found my true love for wine at Refuge. 



 I entered the happiest place in the world…


And spent my birthday with my gem. 


The best friends club in full force. This night was epic for many reasons. 



Aunt Gigi and Ang hosted a cooking show after a lot of wine was served.

I also guarded people’s lives that night. 

I finally saw results and didn’t look like a mother cow anymore. 

The last beach day of the summer with my dude on Strong Island. 

 Oak beach at sunset


Drunk in the grass with Hib. 

Spent days off in Montauk with someone special. 


And I found my love for writing again. 



Pumpkin (pic)king with my men. 


Truth or dare night with the Best Friends Club


Last minute costumes that had a great outcome. 


That caption tells all. 


HALLOWEEN: Monsoon. (BAHBL) ((Before all hell broke loose))



Refuge+200$ sushi trip with bae.

John made me try a Pickle Back shot


And then Billy had to carry me home…


A very crowded, sweaty TGE. (Jackie went missing as usual)


Dysfunctional 💕 Thanksgiving Day 

DECEMBER: (so far) 


One photo that looks like two. (Thanks to the annoyed bartender for this one) 


Game day with my baes and wine. (Sarah and Ry’s new pad) 

 My favorite new purchase of a fish-eye lens



 Christmas Eve-Eve @ Jackies: A night full of laughter and eggnog. 

Christmas Eve- HBD Jesus. 

  La famiglia


Christmas Day 💋✅ 



Joey’s Birthday 🤘🏻



This was a year for the books to say the least. Thank you for all who took part in making it so. 

2016 let’s see what you have in store..

Manless & Delighted.

  If you have read my blog before you know I am a hopeless romantic who loves to be in love. But recently I have been trying something different…

I took love completely out of the equation in every way possible except for one way. And that is finding love for myself and I could not be happier.

Putting others before myself has always been second nature to me. But I finally have removed men completely and am now putting myself first for once. I am learning so many new things about who I am and who I want to be. And I am growing as a women because of it.

You should never look to others for your own happiness. That is something that needs to come organically from your soul. Because in the end its YOUR life and you should live it and love it just how you want it.

Finding happiness and love in myself has brought me to such a greater stage in life. I am molding the future that I always wanted.

I have finally acquired for the first time ever, REAL FRIENDS. These people are the type of people that I am proud to surround myself with. They all bring something so different to the table and I love the shit out of every single one of them.

Also, while on my journey of becoming manless and delighted I am finally writing again. Nothing in the world gives me more of a release… I notice it helps silence my loud thoughts and it brings me an overwhelming sense of peace. It’s important to find an escape that is both positive and proactive.

I hope not to be manless forever, I know when the time is right he will just appear when I least expect it. But for now, I am completely okay with just being Delighted with myself.


Attempt to remember not to forget.

I feel so lost in this generation.

I seriously forget that I am now living in a generation where it is every man for themselves and that I need to be more selfish vs. being selfless.

Being selfless is second nature to me though… I would so rather give to others than receive on any day. But I forget that I need to change my ways of thinking just to survive in this world.

I want to know where we went wrong, or was the world always like this and I was just too young to realize?

It’s seriously fucked up that I feel like I need to change who I am just so I can be “normal” in society. I feel like I am forgetting who I am.

Like, why can’t I speak whats on my mind and tell you that I think you’re being a complete asshole without fearing repercussions? Why must I bite my tongue to please your narrow minded ears?

I think its time we all stop FORGETTING  and start REMEMBERING who we really are and take back what should’ve always been ours..

Freedom… In every sense of the word.

♥ This rant was brought to you by a fed up 20 year old.

I’m Too Glam To Give A Damn..

I want too start this blog off with one of my favorite quotes..

“Of course I loved him.” She says, “You don’t give people you don’t love the power to destroy you.” -SZ

I find it so funny, ever since I was a little girl I always kept a diary. And every diary entry had the same topic… Love.♥ Very ironic actually because I haven’t had much luck with it in my life..

Love has become such a weird “touchy” topic these days. I’m not sure why this generation has such a problem with accepting and giving love. I’m seriously fearful at this point to even give a guy my attention anymore because it seems that every single time I do.. they just crush me.

I think its mostly because when I love, I love hard. But why is that such a bad thing? Should you or should you not put one thousand percent of your heart into something you truly care about?

But one thing I can say is.. No matter how many people break my heart, I will never stop loving myself and change as a person because of it.