Heart Break Blvd

Here I am again on this dead end road 

But this time it’s different, I can feel my heart beat being slowed. 

It hurts to breath.. I can’t seem to catch my own breath..

It feels like something is taking over me, I feel close to death. 

This road is familiar to me, I’ve walked it before 

But this time I feel my happiness is not something I can restore. 

You gave me purpose. You made my days bright 

Now all I can see every minute is darkness and midnight. 

I don’t know if I’ll ever forget you but please remember this 

Remember the feeling you felt when we shared our first kiss. 

That moment electrified my soul and made me feel something I can’t put into words

Now I can’t even see clearly. Everything is blurred. 

If you are looking for me I’ll be here on Heart Break Blvd searching for any sign of you 

I hope one day you’ll come looking and ask to start over new.