Soggy Eggs.

The air outside is bitter and cold. But it still doesn’t compare to the ice I feel in my heart.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

I sit waiting by the door for you to come home from work, only to realize you will never open that front door again.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

I often close my eyes and hear that booming voice of yours saying “How come I love you so much?” But I open them and you are no where to be found.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

The key is still sitting in the draw to your car that says #1 Dad, but everyone else but you will start it up again.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

Your closet is still full of your clothes that still smell like you. I hug them sometimes and pretend its all okay.

I miss you and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

I wish you were still here Dad because I never got to tell you this.. You really suck at making eggs. But I would eat those eggs every minute of every day if I could just see you one more time.

I miss you. and your soggy eggs on Sunday mornings. 

-Your sweet girl.


  1. Tiffany Perrier · January 12, 2016

    This brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my face. you’re one strong person and I know you truly have a gift that will lift so many people spirits and bring sunshine and happiness to many people’s lives. stay strong my love and never forget the memories you have with him because no one will ever have that but you. you have an amazing gaurdian angel with you forever and very soon we’ll see them again. keep smiling


    • giannafanelli · January 13, 2016

      Thank you so much for always lifting me up with such kind words. It means so much to me. ❤️ God bless you and your family and thank you again for always being so kind.


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