Manless & Delighted.

  If you have read my blog before you know I am a hopeless romantic who loves to be in love. But recently I have been trying something different…

I took love completely out of the equation in every way possible except for one way. And that is finding love for myself and I could not be happier.

Putting others before myself has always been second nature to me. But I finally have removed men completely and am now putting myself first for once. I am learning so many new things about who I am and who I want to be. And I am growing as a women because of it.

You should never look to others for your own happiness. That is something that needs to come organically from your soul. Because in the end its YOUR life and you should live it and love it just how you want it.

Finding happiness and love in myself has brought me to such a greater stage in life. I am molding the future that I always wanted.

I have finally acquired for the first time ever, REAL FRIENDS. These people are the type of people that I am proud to surround myself with. They all bring something so different to the table and I love the shit out of every single one of them.

Also, while on my journey of becoming manless and delighted I am finally writing again. Nothing in the world gives me more of a release… I notice it helps silence my loud thoughts and it brings me an overwhelming sense of peace. It’s important to find an escape that is both positive and proactive.

I hope not to be manless forever, I know when the time is right he will just appear when I least expect it. But for now, I am completely okay with just being Delighted with myself.


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