Attempt to remember not to forget.

I feel so lost in this generation.

I seriously forget that I am now living in a generation where it is every man for themselves and that I need to be more selfish vs. being selfless.

Being selfless is second nature to me though… I would so rather give to others than receive on any day. But I forget that I need to change my ways of thinking just to survive in this world.

I want to know where we went wrong, or was the world always like this and I was just too young to realize?

It’s seriously fucked up that I feel like I need to change who I am just so I can be “normal” in society. I feel like I am forgetting who I am.

Like, why can’t I speak whats on my mind and tell you that I think you’re being a complete asshole without fearing repercussions? Why must I bite my tongue to please your narrow minded ears?

I think its time we all stop FORGETTING  and start REMEMBERING who we really are and take back what should’ve always been ours..

Freedom… In every sense of the word.

♥ This rant was brought to you by a fed up 20 year old.